Very strange goings on at the BBC
On Oct 11, 2:59 pm, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Oct 11, 3:28 am, wrote:
On Oct 11, 1:29 am, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Oct 11, 12:58 am, "lawrence jenkins" wrote:
Quite spooky really, after my post about the Kent Lorry driver who recently
succesfully challenged the showing of an "inconvenient Truth" to British
school children
The BBC news at 10 pm last night had this as it's main story. This is very
odd for the BBC as they have always taken a very subjective emotional view
of this subject: and odder still that the high court ruling happened over a
week ago! Just to compound this mystery even further although BBC1 10 pm
news had this topic as it's main headline; I can't find a mention of it
anywhere on their website.
You know in my view and many others that for some time the BBC has become
some sort of lefty middle class increasingly biased marxist organistion.
They rarely if ever question the mantra of global warming and it's dire
consequences, yet last night a week after thye event took place they report
this high court ruling, which in their coverage clearly stated that the
judge believed that nine major tenets of gore's apocolyptical film had no
scientific measurable basis. In fact it painted Gore in a very poor light
two days before he becomes St Gore when he recieves his Nobel Peace prize.
This is all so very odd, as if the editor had been hi-jacked.
There is definitley something afoot at the BBC,
It takes some considerable contortions to have a pop at the BBC
over this matter. In the first place it is a High Court decision and
needs to be reported simply as news. Secondly, the decision will
impinge seriously on what is taught in schools on climate change and
clearly the government is seriously embarrassed about it, as they
ought to be. This makes it all the more newsworthy, hence its
prominence. The BBC would be in neglect of their duty if they did not
report it whether they like the conclusions or not, or whether or not
it embarrasses the government.
Who are the New Party, by the way? I have never heard of them
or know what their agenda is. Their title gives nothing away, making
one suspicious that this coyness conceals some rather dark ideas,
probably of a far-right nature.
Tudor Hughes- Hide quoted text -
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Tudor that's hogwash isn't it, either Gore's Hollywood blockbuster is
based on actual strong scientific evidence or it isn't.
The fact this fellow who's challenged this 'band wagon propaganda
educational tool ' belongs to the so-called New Party is beside the
point as well. Was the man wrong to challenge this or not. As for his
"dark ideas" that's pretty rich considering some of the Marxist t
members hat exist of the Labour Party: people who are/were so demented
and twisted they all prefer the old soviet union or china to the USA.
regardless of the fact that the two communist countries killed
collectively over 80 million people -now that's what I call really
As you've made this political, why is it that the only lefts I can
find nowadays are well off middle class white people usually living as
far away as possible from the **** they've helped create -how are the
mean streets of Warlingham?
I used to be part of the hard left and their one striking denominator
is their inability to tell the truth, that's why you take such
exception to this lorry driver who belongs this "dark" party and yet
he has exposed the lie and the con in Gore's film
from the hysteria he hopes to create is well paced to cash in
The truth didn't come from Geoge Monbiot or Johann Hari did it
As for the BBC, they have never ever taken a balanced view on this
topic, they've always promoted al Gushing Gore andd never once
retracted or amended one of their news stories. The Snows of Mount
Kilamajaro come to mind There's
dozens of biased report on the BBC web site on just this subject
alone. Yet you feel that I'm being unfair to them-do me a favour.
That High Court decision was over a week ago, for some reason last
night they for the first time in many years made their dramatic leader
story about flaws in the GW bandwagon-these are the people who hosted
earth-day and yet to tell me that isn't strange. Has some one spiked
your trombone?
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That's pretty rude.
Tudor Hughes- Hide quoted text -
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I'm sorry Tudor but I fail to see how you feel the need too back up
the BBC, they are increasingly biased in their representation of the
world. If you were upset at my jibe about living in Warlingham or was
it woldingham. Due to the mature of my work iver the years I have seen
people who are pivitol in creating local communities even to the point
of who lives there yet all in my experience that all ,all get the hell
away from the mess they helped create. It goes firther those who are
sift on crime arn't the ones that have to live with it are they. Why
not sell up home (you'll make a killing) move to the New Addingtom
Estate and lets see how liberal you are four years down the line.
Sorry but I see every day the stuff the BBC conciously ignores