Very strange goings on at the BBC
wrote in message
On Oct 11, 7:21 am, "Jim Smith" wrote:
"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message
On Oct 11, 12:58 am, "lawrence jenkins" wrote:
Quite spooky really, after my post about the Kent Lorry driver who
succesfully challenged the showing of an "inconvenient Truth" to
The BBC news at 10 pm last night had this as it's main story. This is
odd for the BBC as they have always taken a very subjective emotional
of this subject: and odder still that the high court ruling happened
week ago! Just to compound this mystery even further although BBC1 10
news had this topic as it's main headline; I can't find a mention of
anywhere on their website.
You know in my view and many others that for some time the BBC has
some sort of lefty middle class increasingly biased marxist
They rarely if ever question the mantra of global warming and it's
consequences, yet last night a week after thye event took place they
this high court ruling, which in their coverage clearly stated that
judge believed that nine major tenets of gore's apocolyptical film
scientific measurable basis. In fact it painted Gore in a very poor
two days before he becomes St Gore when he recieves his Nobel Peace
This is all so very odd, as if the editor had been hi-jacked.
There is definitley something afoot at the BBC,
It takes some considerable contortions to have a pop at the BBC
over this matter. In the first place it is a High Court decision and
needs to be reported simply as news. Secondly, the decision will
impinge seriously on what is taught in schools on climate change and
clearly the government is seriously embarrassed about it, as they
ought to be. This makes it all the more newsworthy, hence its
prominence. The BBC would be in neglect of their duty if they did not
report it whether they like the conclusions or not, or whether or not
it embarrasses the government.
Who are the New Party, by the way? I have never heard of them
or know what their agenda is. Their title gives nothing away, making
one suspicious that this coyness conceals some rather dark ideas,
probably of a far-right nature.
Tudor Hughes
More to the point, what the hell has this got to do with,
why on earth is this being posted here???- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
More to the point is this
I did a quick google newsgroup search for this group using the term
global Warming-I got over 6000 hits.
How many of those did you reply to with
"More to the point, what the hell has this got to do with, and
why on earth is this being posted here???-"
I hope you feel dirty now and feel the need to shower.
Gw is rather off-topic for this group but is at least loosely weather
Politics and the goings-on at the BBC clearly isnt.
And I feel perfectly clean thank you.
My last reply on this topic, and killfile updated.