Very strange goings on at the BBC
Tudor that first sentence says so much about you and confirms my
perception of you. By the way what is my inflammatory nonesense? That
I say the BBC are biased? That the Labour Party (your lot ) are
cynically tweaking the met office, putting in their own like mnided
people. The only thing I can agree with you on is that maybe I should
not post this stuff here. By the way I'm not part of the looney
Uk.politics.misc and alt.british. politics could do with your postings
Lawrence since your thoughts tend to be accurate insights into the way the
Elite rule this country.Notice how The infestation of the BBC with Marxists
and Marxist dogma (that we all pay for)is often reflected in the rest of the
media and your ordinary man in the street thinking is frequently deemed
politically incorrect by the thought police.It's the Liberal Bigots that
endanger free speech far more than Socialists.Don't be silenced by them--we
need you on our political forums.