Al Gore wins Peace Prize
qzectb wrote in news:1192249862.444895.284080
Even if he'd done original research, there is no prize for
atmospheric and climate science. The closest thing so far
was the people who got the chemistry prize for their work
on stratospheric ozone depletion.
Rush Limbaugh had called ozone depletion "alarmist pseudoscience" too,
just like he does AGW now. In the former case, he specifically
offered the following "proofs":
1) CFCs are heavier than air (true), therefore they could never get to
the stratosphere to deplete ozone (absolutely, utterly false); and
2) The ocean emits far more chlorine into the atmosphere than CFCs do
(true); therefore CFCs can't possibly be the major source of chlorine
in the stratosphere (absolutely, utterly false).
Anyone who gets their "science" from Rush Limbaugh should think twice
about parroting it, because he's proven with his own record that his
opinions on science are worthless.
Mostly agreed.
Ironically, Rush Limbaugh was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
He would have been at least as worthy a recipient as Algore...