Anyone want to buy a garden blower/vacuum £30.00
In on Mon, 15 Oct 2007, Scott W
wrote :
On 15 Oct, 00:17, "lawrence jenkins" wrote:
O.W.O In fact only one day old: Reason for sale a guilt complex provided by
Will Hand-the *******- who forced me to come to terms with the energy
Will deliver to any part of the country in a bid to keep my carbon footprint
within Kyoto limits.
I was watching a council worker use one of these in the park the other
day. As he was blowing all the leaves over to one corner a fresh load
fell and replaced the ones that has been blown. And the blown ones
were being blown to another part of the park. What a complete waste of
time and public money! Not to mention the stupid idea of using such a
contraption in the first place, the damage to the environment caused
by the combustion engine etc.
Also, there's no logical as to when they mow the grass verges -
sometimes they will come along and mow dust, at other times elephants
could hide in the grass before they finally cut it...
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)