"Steve Schulin" wrote in message oups.com...
Here's a news release that Piers Corbyn posted to Climatesceptics
yesterday. It contains forecast, developed using Weather Action's
Solar Weather Technique, for massive storms to hit Britain and Europe
during three specified periods over the coming six weeks.
Best wishes,
Steve Schulin
and coming soon:
Weather Action - The Long Range Forecasters
News Release - Oct 16, 2007
From Weather Action Special News Conference Oct 16th 2007 on 20th
Anniversary of the Great Storm of 1987
Massive storms to hit Britain & Europe.
- part of solar-driven world wide extreme weather events -
- It's the sun not CO2 scientist warns.
- Astro-scientist warns of massive damaging storms -- caused
by solar activity not CO2 -- to strike Europe in three waves between
late October and the end of November. Typhoons and extreme storm
events worldwide also expected.
- Third wave to hit on the 304th anniversary of the
devastating tempest of 1703.
- The total damage likely to exceed that of the Great Storm of
1987 and aspects of the storms may have more in common with the
devastating Tempest of 1703
- Nobel Committee challenged to remove award from Al Gore.
At a special press Conference on the 20th anniversary of the Great
Storm of 1987 which struck Southern England Piers Corbyn
astrophysicist of Weather Action long range forecasters -- who
correctly predicted the summer severe flooding events in Britain from
months ahead - issued a chilling warning that three waves of storms
will hit Britain and Europe between late October and the end of
November causing £ billions of damage. "There will also be extreme
typhoon and other storm events across the world at around the same
times" he said.
"These storm events are caused by solar particle and magnetic effects
which we can predict. They are nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide or so-
called man-made Global Warming" In the public interest, because of
their importance Weather Action are -- unusually - making these
forecasts public well in advance.
Piers appealed to the media to warn the public so preparations can be
made and warned that "The Global Warming lobby will try and suppress
these forecasts and the cause of these extreme weather events so they
can claim they are caused by their barmy CO2 driven ideas. They did
this during the summer in Britain when even though their forecast had
been for a possible 'scorcher' and the opposite happened they slyly
and without foundation claimed the floods were extreme events driven
by CO2. The truth is we at Weather Action forecast the floods and
they were driven by special Sun-Earth particle and magnetic effects".
The three periods for which Weather Action are 90% confident there
will be severe damaging storms:
* October 26th to 31st or Nov 1st. Storm gusts of 80 to 100mph in
places. This is likely to be a major storm period but probably only a
'warm-up' for what is to come in November. It is good there is now no
election (eg on Nov 1st ) because the election period would have been
severely disrupted (NB warning of the storms was passed on to the
Labour leadership). The storm will track East and likely (80%
confident) affect Holland, Denmark, South Norway, South Sweden and
parts of North Germany.
* 8th-13th November. Storm / hurricane force Gusts of 90 to 110
mph and tornado type developments. Probably worse in Scotland and
Northern Ireland than South England. The storm will track East and
bring damage to a band of N Europe which is likely to include (80%
confident) Bergen, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki and possibly St
* 24th to 28th November. Storm/hurricane gusts of 90mph to 130 mph.
Probably worst in central/South British Isles. This is the 304th
anniversary of the devastating tempest of 26th/27th November (modern
calendar dates) 1703. Likely track (80% confident) of damage
eastwards: Holland, Denmark, N Germany, South Sweden and parts of
Baltic States and Finland.
These forecasts will be updated particularly in early November in view
of late October events. Contact Weather Action for the latest
Piers called on the Norwegian Nobel committee to withdraw their award
to Al Gore because it was a desecration of the good name of the Nobel
prize - it being awarded for "the deliberate propagation of proven
falsity". He said "Ironically Nature and Physics are having their
revenge. Norway -- the home of this Nobel award -- will be hit hard
by these storms -- caused by Solar activity not CO2. The Global
warmers couldn't have predicted them!"
Charter for Climate Truth
Piers said that the world scientific effort on Climate Science is
operating at a very low level of integrity and put forward a 2 point
Charter for Climate Truth.
1. Prove and predict. Basic standards of science should be
applied in Climate science and any theory of Climate Change must be
tested against available recorded data and testable specific
predictions made.
2. Naming & Shaming. Scientists or journalists who make baseless
claims on Climate should be 'named and shamed'.
The Great Storm of 1987 is one of the most significant weather events
in Britain and Europe for the last 100 years and the Tempest of 1703
was the most devastating storm in Europe for 300 years.
Traditional meteorology in Britain failed to forecast the Great Storm
of 1987 but lessons from that event have been applied by Weather
Action whose unrivalled Solar Weather Technique of long range
forecasting predicted the summer floods and would have been able to
forecast both the Great Storm of 1987 and the Tempest of 1703 from
many months ahead.
Concerning excuses from 'Global warmers' that they disregard Piers
Corbyn's views on CO2 because he had not revealed the details of his
Solar Weather Technique he said: "UNLIKE all traditional meteorology
attempts at long range forecasting my work is independently proven to
- in peer-reviewed literature - have SIGNIFICANT SKILL. (see refs in
forecasts). The Solar Weather Technique's (proprietarial) disclosure
or not is NOTHING to do with the fact that peer-reviewed published
material (by OTHERS) shows there is NO evidence that CO2 drives or
ever has driven weather and climate and indeed shows evidence of the
opposite. The GWers saying they don't know how the SWT works is
totally irrelevant and a pathetic ignorant attempt to dodge the proven
failure of their bankrupt avaricious theory.
Previous News Release...Gore Blimey! information
Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of Weather Action, long range
forecasters, appeared on 12th Oct on BBCNews24 concerning Al Gore's
Nobel award, (5pm interviewe by Gavin Esler - along with Friends Of
Earth) and said:
(1) "This award is desecration of the good name of the Nobel Prize
as it is for deliberate propagation of proven falsity. The climate
models Gore propagates have as much in common with reality as the
financial models used to make the sub-prime mortgage market. Both are
driven by avarice, this one is about control of world energy supply.
(2) (in response to FoE 'consensus is right') "Science does not
advance by consensus it requires observation and testable hypotheses.
There is NO evidence, I repeat NO evidence, that CO2 increases have
ever had or ever will drive temperature rises or climate change. But
the chickens are coming home to roost if you like and physics will
have its revenge because Scandinavia (the home of the Nobel committee)
will be hit by serious damaging storms caused by solar activity
around : the end of October, 9-13th November; and 24th-27th November.
What is Al Gore's or Friends of the Earth's forecast?"
Points Piers would have made if there had been time:
(3) "CO2 driven climate theory can forecast nothing whereas solar
activity can"
(4) "There are many pollutants such as smoke and chemicals which need
action but CO2 is not a pollutant. I support the electrification of
Africa not the holding back of the developing world.
(5) "The IPCC is actually very circumspect in its report on many
matters; so linking of the prizes to Gore and the IPCC gives false
credibility to Gore's climate jihadism.
(6) "Gore's operation is brainwashing political pseudo science and
maybe next we will hear about retrospective prizes to be given to
Goebels and Stalin for their anti-science propaganda machines.
(7) "The Channel4 'Great Global Warming Swindle' film should be shown
alongside this one in all schools so pupils can discuss.
(8) "World temperatures have been declining - averaged in pairs of
years - since 2002/03 while CO2 levels have been rising.
* If you wish for a copy of Weather Action's Summer and September
forecast and assessments (including our letter to Gordon Brown in
July) please phone or E mail back
* Full 44 slides as produced by Weather Action for Institute Of
Physics Climate Change Seminar 7th June available on request .
Weather Action - The Long Range Forecasters
Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London SE1 1HR Tel +44(0)20
7939 9946 E:
From: Piers Corbyn 07958713320 (or office above)