On Oct 21, 7:32 am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Oct 20, 9:55 pm, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Perhaps I aught to have pointed out that this is redacted stuff but of
course that point was obvious so .... then I figured there is a
braneded fool stalking me.
So just for emphasis, the copy is edited.
The waves move generally toward the west in the lower tropospheric
tradewind flow across the Atlantic Ocean. They are first seen usually
in April or May and continue until October or November. The waves have
a period of about 3 or 4 days and a wavelength of 2000 to 2500 km
[1200 to 1500 mi], typically (Burpee 1974).
Now let us perceive if we may; a 3 or 4 day interval with an uptake of
some 12 to 16 perhaps consequent to their being harmonics of a shared
We know that one part of the sum is the time of the phase and that it
must follow a suitable synergy. (That last part may have to fall by
the wayside in light of recent developments.) So what astronomical
phenomena are there that might give us a 3 or 4 day pattern?
Possibly something to do with Libration and mascons...
The seasonality of hurricanes tells us one series of lunar librations:
Just as the rotation axis of the Earth is inclined by (90°-23.5°) to
the Earth-Sun direction (drawing above, from section #3 "Seasons of
the year"), so the rotation axis of the Moon is inclined by about (90°-
6.5°) to the mean Moon-Earth line. As noted, that line is also the
direction of the Moon's elongation, on the average always pointed
towards Earth.
In the discussion of the seasons of the year, it was shown how the
23.5° tilt of the Earth axis lets the Sun shine onto the polar caps,
onto circular areas around the poles, giving them 24-hour sunlight.
The drawing demonstrates how in June the Sun illuminates the northern
polar cap and in December (when shade and light are interchanged) the
southern one.
In other words, as the moon presents significantly more effect on
Caribbean storms between April to October, perhaps something in its
make-up is central to the plot. (Or maybe something just a little
north by north west? What did Shakespeare know?)
From the same page:
"A third "libration" arises because during the 12 hours or so when the
Moon is visible on any day, the rotation of the Earth can displace an
observer by up to one diameter of the Earth (for observers on the
equator), shifting the line of view and slightly increasing the
observable area.
Since this effect allows astronomers to "peek past the edge," it too
is counted as a sort of libration. At a lunar distance of 60 RE (Earth
radii), a displacement of 1 RE shifts the viewing angle by about 1°."
Not a cumulative one though. But none the less one that could
conceivably fit into the periodicity.
Here is the skinny:
The moon rotates in some 27.3 days. And orbits the earth in some 29.5.
"The rotation of the Moon-Earth line around the Earth.
The rotation of the Moon around its axis is steady and lags behind the
rotation across Earth. In the drawing on the web page, the elliptical
shape of the Moon is exaggerated.
If the Moon orbited the Earth at the same rate as its body rotated
around its axis, the Earth-Moon line and the long axis of the Moon
would match.
However in the rapid part of the process.. the long axis would make a
small angle with the Earth-Moon line, allowing astronomers to peek
past the western edge of the visible Moon.
When the motion of the Moon is extra-slow, an extra little sliver near
the eastern edge becomes visible. This type of libration increases
coverage at the east and west edges, by about 7.7 degrees (out of
I have the feeling this 4 to 8 degrees (just under) is the key in the
same way that the moon hitting the angle 60 degrees to us (in the UK)
as it does when the declination puts it about 7 degrees south of the
equator causes storms or nice weather to peak.
That harmonic is also when the moon raising north enters the
Equatorial region and ceases to produce hurricanes. (But why only in
that direction?)
Or not, as the case may be. What a load of cacca. And just to foist
another one, the page goes on to state that Venus is in captured
rotation to the earth (and moon) so now it's a four body problem.
My brain is closing down for the duration. Good job it's Sun day. ISTR
that Venus has no -or very little magnetism. Ooofff...