Raunds, East Northants. Mon 22-10-2007.
On 22 Oct, 10:40, Ian wrote:
0900z HZ 5km, SSE F2, T 6.4, Td 5.3, 5Ac 7Ci, 1024.2 (R)
09-09z Tmax 13.4, Tmin 3.0, Tg -0.9, rain nil.
RMK: Also As? No hoar on grass, or ice on cars this morning. Disc of
sun not visible, just a diffuse bright patch. Grass wet (Dew) concrete
dry. Although 09z T higher than past two days, feeling chilly without
the sun in a light SSE breeze.
1315z HZ 8km, SSE F2-3, T 11.1, Td 6.8, 4Ac, 7Ci, 1023.9 (F)
RMK: Ac looks very high, some unusual darker scratch marks in base,
too close together to be either distrails or contrails above casting
shadows from above. A few brighter intervals. Very Autumnal feel.
Raunds, East Northants. 63m. SP9972