Meteosat 8 satellite picture from Ferdinand Valk's site at 12.00 UTC
on Tuesday 23rd October
NOAA 18 satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.52 UTC on
Tuesday 23rd October
Meteosat MSG-2 satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.00
UTC on Tuesday 23rd October
Much of Britain sunny. Decaying front NW of Ireland and Scotland.
Low Countries sunny.
UK min. temps on Monday night
Marham 0.1°C, Aboyne 0.0°C, Edinburgh Gogarbank and Strathallan
-0.3°C, Charlwood -0.6°C, Albemarle and Gravesend -0.9°C,
Eskdalemuir -1.3°C, Farnborough -1.9°C, Redesdale -3.6°C.
St Mary's 11.8°C, South Uist and Machrihanish 11.9°C, Stornoway
12.0°C, Tiree 12.8°C - 06.00 UTC synops only.
UK max. temps on Tuesday
Langdon Bay 9.7°C, Copley and Lyneham 10.8°C, Wittering 11.0°C,
Coleshill 11.1°C - 18.00 UTC synops only.
St Angelo 15.4°C, Trawsgoed 15.6°C, Ballykelly 15.8°C, Castlederg
15.9°C, Kinloss 16.1°C, Tain Range 16.3°C, Lossiemouth 16.5°C,
Solent MRSC 16.6°C, Altnaharra 17.4°C.
OGIMET summary
Rainfall radar
Scattered outbreaks of light rain in NW Scotland on Tuesday.
Rainfall totals - 24 hours ending 18.00 UTC on Tuesday
Glenanne, St Angelo and Port Ellen on Islay 1 mm, Portglenone and
Stornoway 2 mm, Belfast Aldergrove 4 mm, South Uist 5 mm.
Location of some UK stations
Colin Youngs