Expert: Warming Climate Fuels Mega-Fires
columbiaaccidentinvestigation wrote:
You should see the link below
You might want to look at the two links below, #1 shows the drought
status for the u.s as of September 2007, than you might want to
correlate that to the map #2 of the "observed experimental fire
potential" which shows great overlapping areas, as the fire potential
is partly based on the fuel amounts which is effected by rain totals,
then correlate that to the study #3 showing that global climate change
is likely to increase the likelihood of drought conditions in the
west, were the fires are occurring currently. So it goes something
like this one of the effects of global climate change is increasing
the likelihood of drought in areas such as the southwest which then
increases the likelihood of greater amounts of fuels for the fire in
the region, which then increases the likelihood that when seasonal
conditions are right a major fire can result, as seen in southern
California right now...
So, are you asserting that forest service fire 'management' policies
have no impact?