Corbyn spot on with his forecast! Honest.
Well I did e-mail Weather Action and Piers kindly responded in person. I
won't publish the details on here but if anyone wants to read it then pm me
and I'll forward it. He did send a few additional e-mails offering his
weather services to me but I think I'll probably decline, despite the
accuracy of that recent forecast as evidenced by this:-
29th Oct Report
The Forecasted wet windy/stormy spell within period 26th-31st Oct came -
affecting ALL parts although not as vigorous in terms of wind especially in
the South as we expected.
= There were severe weather warnings issued on TV 27/28 Oct for
Scotland, Northern Ireland , Wales and much of NW England ie for heavy
rain, local floods, thunder gales and severe gales (60mph gusts were
mentioned) as a triple cold front moved SE.
= Frances Wilson on Sky TV warned of tornado possibilities Sat 27/ Sun 28
from thunderstorms embedded in rain systems.
= There were ten coastal flood watches in England and Wales because of
strong winds on a full moon.
Link to our Storms warning video on MySpace and other information. 227"
What I got was even more gob-smacking with it's uncanny accuracy.
I did contact the BBC's "The One Show" to see if they were interested in
doing a piece on private weather forecasting agencies ;-)