October 2007 Statistics - Teignmouth (24hrs to 19:00 BST/ 18:00 GMT)
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Temperatu +/- 0.5c error
Average Temp = +12.7c (+0.8c above average)
Average Max = +15.7c (+0.9c above average)
Average Min = +9.7c (0.8c above average)
Warmest Day = +18.4c (Thu 4th October)
Coldest Day = +11.0c (Thu 25th September)
Warmest Night = +15.0c (Sun 14th October)
Coldest Night = +3.6c (Fri 19th October)
Average Annual Temp (New):
Air Frosts = NIL (avg NIL)
Rainfall = 36.5 mm (44% of average)
Wettest Day = 21.6mm (Tue 16th October)
Rain Days =1mm = 3 days (avg 11.7 days)
Air Pressure
Highest Pressure = 1035 mb (Thu Fri 19th October 21:00-01:00 BST & Sat
20th @ 10:00 BST)
Lowest Pressure = 1008mb (Tue 16th October 20:00 - 22:00 BST)
Average Pressure = 1022.9 mb
Current Annual Average = 1016.1 mb
Average Annual Pressure Graph (New):
Wind Direction Days (Exeter @ 19:00 BST / 18:00 GMT)
N = 2
NNE = 1
NE = 4
ENE = 1
E = zero
ESE = 2
SE = 2
SSE = 2
S = 7
SSW = 1
SW = 1
WSW = 1
W = 3
WNW = zero
NW = 2
NNW = 2
CALM = zero
Wind Speed Totals mph (Exeter @ 19:00 BST)
N = 7
NNE = 5
NE = 23
ENE = 3
E = zero
ESE = 9
SE = 13
SSE = 13
S = 53
SSW = 1
SW = 2
WSW = 7
W = 23
WNW = zero
NW = 12
NNW = 8
CALM = zero
TOTAL = 179 mph
Average = 5.8 mph
Official Long Term Averages (1971-2000)
Max Temp = 14.8c
Min Temp = 8.9c
Average Temp = 11.9c
Air Frost Days = NIL days
Rainfall = 83.2 mm
Rain Days =1mm = 11.7 days