"Martin Rowley" wrote ...
Although as pointed out elsewhere, the lack of rainfall for this
October is not particularly remarkable, taking the last three months
together (August, September & October so far), then the total
rainfall for Hurn (Bournemouth) is 93 mm, representing 43% of the
1971-2000 average.
.... in the end, the total for those three months is (subject to QC)
103 mm, representing 49% of the 1971-2000 LTA. This is thus the third
driest sequence of those months in the last 50 years.
Looking at the ensemble output (GFES) I suspect we'll catch up a
bit; integrating the output from the 06Z run for our closest
grid-point we should put on roughly another 10 mm, snip
.... perhaps of even more interest was this comment (above): the GFES
output, available here for example:-
proved to be remarkably accurate (7 days ahead of the end of the
month) in suggesting ~10 mm additional rainfall from that date (23rd).
Martin Rowley
W: booty.org.uk