Piers: Stop treating people like fools
On 1 Nov, 13:20, Scott W wrote:
18.1c, clear blue skies and hardly a breath of wind... I wonder if
Gordon wishes he hadn't listened to Mr Corbyn now and called that
Perhaps he'll be phoning Piers at some point today and tell him to
stop treating people like fools...
October 26th to 31st or Nov 1st. Storm gusts of 80 to 100mph in
places. This is likely to be a major storm period but probably only a
'warm-up' for what is to come in November. It is good there is now no
election (eg on Nov 1st ) because the election period would have been
severely disrupted (NB warning of the storms was passed on to the
Labour leadership). The storm will track East and likely (80%
confident) affect Holland, Denmark, South Norway, South Sweden and
parts of North Germany.
But will the Daily Express be publishing an apology? I somehow doubt