Hi. here is another set (from the Finnish Weather book - from snails
to El nino - published by Otava). Martin, if you like you can add them
to the coming FAQ.
(Email me and I'll send you a proper reference to the book).
Very basic barometer forecast rules:
Look at the change in 3 hours.
If the pressure is descending, there is a low pressure coming.
If it's ascending, the low is passing or a high pressure is coming.
When the pressure is changing rapidly ( 6 hPa/3 hours), it's windy.
More detailed:
Sinking slowly (0.5 - 3 hPa in 3h): low is weak, dying or moving
You might get some rain but typically no hard winds.
Sinking moderately (3-6 hPa/3h): rapid movement or deepening low.
Moderate winds and rain in warm front. The low is passing you fast so
day after tomorrow will typically be fine.
Sink 6-12 hPa/3h: Storm.
And rise is connected to gradually drier weather.
hPa (hectopascal) are as big as mbar (millibars), typically near 1000.
An older barometer might have mmHg (numbers near 760) or even inHg.
Transform formulas in many science books and encyclopedias.
wrote in message ...
In article ,
"Martin Rowley" wrote:
Interesting stuff - thanks very much for posting the url......!
All the best