Jack Harrison wrote:
"work hard" wrote in message
Hello group
Does anyone have a link to any websites that would give me weather
forecast for the next 21 days for various locations in the UK
please? I know NOTHING about weather forecasting, so I'm just
loooking for a site that will give me expected sunshine,
temperature, and rainfall.
If anyone on this group or elsewhere could make forecasts that far
ahead, then he would be a multi-millionaire by now.
Six to seven days is generally accepted as being the maximum limit
with little better than very broad ideas for the following few days.
Now I am confused. I sometimes refer to
www.metcheck.com. Their 7-day
forecast predicts rainfall to the nearest mm, windspeed to +/- 1 mph,
pressure to the nearest mb, cloud cover to +/-1%.
Does that mean that they are reporting figures to a spurious degree of
accuracy or are their predictions really that accurate for the weather 7
days from now?