BBC email
I've got the email addresses of a number of forecasters, and the
format is normally I don't understand
why they should be protected from feedback as Tudor implies. In the
old days forecasters encouraged feedback - like good old Craig Rich.
What form of feedback existed in the "old days"? A letter?
Few could be bothered to put pen to paper and post it. A personal
phone call to the forecaster? You'd be lucky. The feedback, if any,
was very indirect. Forecasters are not in the same position as, say,
newspaper columnists whose opinions and style are their own personal
responsibility. Weather presenters are little more than mouthpieces
for their organisation and have much less choice in what they say and
how they say it. They should not be required to reply to any old Tom,
Dick or Harry who wants a moan and I hope they don't. If in doubt
press "Delete".
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Basically you are talking rubbish. When I said 'the old days' I meant
up to 5 years or so ago. With SW local forecasters like Craig Rich
(the only loval presenter to really understand surf conditions), &
Trevor (who now resides in the far north of England) not only ALWAYS
replied, but we got on friendly terms. They certainly said what they
thought. They were also interested in local data for use in various
I would also say there are several 'professionals' on USW who are very
helpful, and fortunately don't share your extremely patronising
attitude to people who are simply asking a question, or voiceing an
opinion, and would like a reply.