Weather presenters
On 6 Nov, 11:41, Gianna wrote:
On the tv programme Bremner, Bird and Fortune, there is often a sketch based on
a weather person from sky tv.
It is one of my favourite sketches and the hallowe'en episode was especially
funny to me.
Your post prompted me to tune into BB&F for the first time in quite a
while but it's not changed my opinion that they're at their funniest
when Bremner is NOT doing politicians.
I recall a sketch several years ago when Bird & Fortune were doing
spoof interview with the Chairman of the Channel Tunnel:
"You're losing a huge amount of money" says the Interviewer.
Chairman: "Yes, but it's alright, we're a Public Service".
Interviewer: "But how can the Banks keep backing you? Do you know how
much you currently owe?"
Chairman: "Not really, but I'm sure it's all perfectly
Interviewer: "Have the Banks not written to you about it?"
Chairman: "Well, yes, they've sent several letters over the past few
Interviewer: "What do they say?"
Chairman: "I don't know. They're all still behind the clock on the
I sometimes feel like that with the Inland Revenue's tax demands -
they might have been delivered through my door, but they're not bad
news unless I open them.
- Tom.