Herr Roeder
Thanks Alistair,its such a relief to know the QBO is still in place .Could
you remind us what your Spring forecast actually said please ,I like to
monitor the very accurate ones.
Cheers indeed
"Alastair McDonald" k
wrote in message ...
"Ron Button" wrote in message
Seeing Mr Roeders name popping up on the group reminds me of how awry
forecasts have been this year,
This surely proves there is no such thing as a reliable LRF,all the
'experts' have their day ,or even occasionally 'year then it goes pear
If the Global Warming brigade are to be believed all the old rules no
apply anyway so there seems little point in trying
Victor Meldrew alias RonB
May I remind you that I, a senior member of the Global Warming bigade,
predicted a cold and wet summer last springcheers. Global Warming is
not a
monotonic process, and the fundamental cycles such as the Quasibiennial
Oscilation (QBO) will still apply in a greenhouse world.
Cheers, Alastair.