The CF passed through here at 06:45 accompanied by a gust of 47 mph, a
temperature drop of 2.5C° and a burst of rain at 11.2 mm/hr. Worth
noting, perhaps, that this is our third day with a gust over 40 mph but
the only day when the national forecast has mentioned it as a
possibility. The local forecast has been far superior in this respect.
Since 00:00z:-
Max. 12.4°C
Min. 8.7°C
9.4 mm.
8.9/5.7°C, 80%. (Glasgow Airport 10/5°C, Bishopton 10°C)
2 km in frequent, sharp, blustery showers.
7/8, Cb(?).
15 mph gusting to 35 mph, NW.
1006.1 mb, steady.
Total precipitation so far this month, 33.6 mm.
Total precipitation so far this year, 1488.0 mm.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in Argyll, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-