On Nov 12, 2:42 am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Suppose that the weather and events that occur during such a phase are
repeated to some extent if they occur with a 10 minute interval, then
it is likely that if they occur at the same time of day, even though
several months apart, there will be extreme likenesses.
5th Aug 21:20
1st Nov 21:18
Missed those two too. It will be interesting to compare storm records
for them in a fortnight:
We were supposed to have severe weather high winds and heavy rain. I
can't say it was much more than occasionally breezy here, though it
has to be said that winds are very rare in this region. And the
weather was on the wet side with a little drizzle.
For what it's worth we are down one seven up or I have missed
something important. So I suspect that when the cradle does fall, it
will be in the region of Mag 8.
Either that or a series of high sixes and maybe two sevens.
Sidr looks to be headed straight for Bangladesh and is slated to hit
the delta tomorrow evening. So we will see something soon after that.
No idea what though. Maybe "02P" will take over. The phase of the 17th
Nov at 22:32 is interesting though.