On Nov 20, 2:21 pm, Alastair wrote:
You can get a preview of tonight's volcano program here, but it's not
for the global warming sceptics.
A series of articles on The Register describe how the BBC has lost its
way. For instance:
It repeatedly puts reporters in front of fast-dripping glaciers or
spreading deserts and gets them to express their personal shock, awe,
loss, and disgust. Then, back in the studio, a gnarled "sceptic" may
occasionally be wheeled on to show that the Beeb still gives a voice
to Creatures From Another Planet.
What we need from the BBC is dispassionate enquiry, objective facts,
and dispassionate presentation of those facts.
Instead, we get dumbed-down moral absolutes, far-out footage, and a
sprinkling of "balance". Nobody at the BBC says this is the strategy;
but BBC News, in particular, applies it with the utmost vigour.