Cold easterly for early Dec?
On 21 Nov, 10:01, John Hall wrote:
It may be that the model does better for other parts of the world.
Getting it right at medium range for the neighbourhood of the British
Isles probably wouldn't have a very high priority for what is after all
an American model.
Quite. I often think the people place unnatural amount of emphasis on
the GFS (and yes I admit to looking at it a lot) just because of the
plethora of data available from it every 6 hours. Don't all the
Metcheck / TheWeatherOutlook types just churn out the GFS output and
make it pretty?
Pity we can't get such regularity of output from UKMET (or at least I
can't find any - maybe it's everywhere on the web these days and I'm
too reliant on Wetterzentrale).