mountain wave green energy
On Nov 21, 4:23 pm, "Jack )"
I have had some correspondence form a gliding contact who was
referring to a recent satpic showing mountain wave. Bob wrote:
superb wave - what a show of free energy...(Bob was referrring to powered aircrafat being able to save fuel - I have actually done that myself)
But I had an inspiration and wrote back:
"Now there's an idea for a source of green energy. A fleet of
unmanned automated gliders to use the wave and then convert the huge
amounts of potential energy into electricity - I can't quite think
through that next step, but there could be possibilities."
I would have thought that a dirigible set up to reach or send kites up
to reach the jet stream would do better.
Not that I can think how but there is a lot of free wheeling up there.
There again there is a much weightier current in the oceans.
GB Shaw mooted cornering the tidal races in the Irish Sea. The French
dammed and probably damned a river to harness tides. But I don't see
why there couldn't be some use made of the wash on the other side of a
tidal bar.
Not that I believe in global warming per se or as writ but if it is
there are getting a plateful wouldn't hurt anyone or damage
I wouldn't want to have to trust this present bunch of losers to push
the thing through though, nor for that matter, any shadow of an
alternative governmess.