On 2007-11-22, Bob Martin wrote:
in 235444 20071121 094632 Richard Dixon wrote:
On 20 Nov, 20:07, Alastair wrote:
Dr Iain Stewart is a geologist not a reporter. But if you are not
willing to listen to what a geologist has to say about the climate of
the past then the program is not for you. Why don't you write to
Radio 4's Feedback program if all you want to do is whinge about the
I thought it was a very enoyable, informative programme.
. which was ruined by constant, frantic drumming. Why do they do this?
Beats me.
Ok, that was bad. I'll get my coat.
SCREGGAN (n. banking)
The crossed-out bit caused by people putting the wrong year on their cheques
all through January.