Courses for meteorology
[this is a response to Martin's reply to my earlier e-mail but my Pc crashed as
I was reading his reply so I lost the thread, as it were! ]
Martin, I accept completely your point about some people finding the maths
hard-going (I do speak from experience!). Also, I was not making a specific
point against the Met Office alone, merely speaking up for the fact that there
are some highly numerate geographers, especially now that geographical
information systems is such an important part of the subject. The subject (at
degree level) has changed hugely over the last decade and I do feel that a
(numerate) physical geographer can make a distinctive and valuable contribution
to met. organisations of all kinds, especially with an appropriate postgraduate
qualification. The argument has been going on for a long time, as you rightly
say; during this time, the subject has changed. Whether these changes have
rubbed off on all graduates is quite another matter though!
Julian Mayes, Molesey, Surrey.