Yet another positive feedback for global warming.
"chemist" wrote in message
On Nov 26, 6:10 pm, john fernbach wrote:
On Nov 26, 9:40 am, chemist wrote:
On Nov 24, 4:07 pm, "HangEveryRepubliKKKan"
"chemist" wrote
There is a problem with this analysis Methane has not and
cannot be demonstrated experimentally to have any
properties of a so called greenhouse gas, neither has CO2
( in a properly constructed scientific experiment)
Kook-a-doodle-doo And Chemist is a non-scientist
Here we go again I am and you are definitely not
I note that Roger does not reply.
Chemist, I can't speak for Roger. But speaking for myself, it seems
the breadth and scope of your claims about CO2 and methane, which
repudiate mainstream science on this subject for the past century or
so, suggests that if you're correct in your claims, you're really
another Einstein or Galileo figure. Another Copernicus.
If your claims are correct, they will rock the scientific world and
mark a major shift in how CO2 and methane are understood.
Again, I can't speak for Roger, but I'm just not qualified to debate
science with another Einstein or another Copernicus. So I don't.
Hats off to you if you're one day proven right and are written up in
the history books for it, chemist.
In the meantime, though, I think most of us will stick with the
mainstream view on CO2 and methane as articulated by NOAA, the
National Academy of Sciences and the IPCC.
The experiments that are supposed to prove that CO2 is
a greenhouse gas show that methane is not.
It is as simple as that.
The American Professor who is responsible for one
of the greenhouse gas experiments, the German PhD
responsible for another one and Roger Coppock are all
unable to offer an explanation for these facts but not
one them has called me a liar.
(only the tail chewer does that )
You are not worth the effort.