On 28 Nov, 12:10, "Dave Cornwell"
Had the mis-fortune of reading The Express on a return plane trip
yesterday(27th) . Corbyn has another big headline along the usual lines. At
least this time the Met Office were quoted and said they couldn't see any
similar dire signs. Other articles included a headline about a covent (sic)
schoolgirl being run over and all the TV listings were one hour out of
synch! You'd think two things journalists might be able to do is use a spell
checker and format a page. On the other hand...............
The more we see of this, the better. Below is taken from
Piers Corbyn, from Weather Actions, uses solar activity to map
atmospheric changes. And he is convinced gales of up to 100mph could
arrive within the next week.
Low pressure weather systems could mean sea defences are breached in
particular on the south coast of England and at the Severn estuary.
He said: "We continue to forecast the British Isles and the North Sea
area are likely to be hit by a major storm and associated substorms
including possible tornado type events."
But the Met Office last night said there was no sign of a major storm
on the horizon.
Spokesman Dave Britton said: "Piers Corbyn's forecasts are yet to be
put up for scientific review. The Met Office is the official national
weather provider for the UK."