WeatherAction forecast issued 16OCT2007: overall review [Long] -more comment
On Dec 1, 1:57 pm, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Will Hand
wrote in message
On 30 Nov, 19:36, Weatherlawyer wrote:
8. Please let me know what further assistance I might be to you all. I
hope I have been able to help you to see a little bit better than you
could do on your own in your benighted troglodyte's eyries.
Who do you think you are? God? The Special One? LOL :-)
Whoever he thinks he is, that's a wonderfully mixed ornithological
Troglodytes are people who live in holes, hence the scientific name of
the wren, which makes a spherical nest often in a nook or cranny, is
Troglodytes troglodytes. An eyrie is the name given to a nest of, e.g.,
an eagle, placed high up, e.g., in a tree or on a cliff ledge.
You mean you really can't see it?
Well there's a surprise!