[WR] November/Autumn, Raunds, East Northants.
Hi all,Nov/Autumn for Raunds, Northants, 63m amsl NGR SP9972
Screen Air temperatures
Highest maximum: 16.7C on the 2nd
Lowest maximum: 6.0C on the 24th
Highest minimum: 9.9C on the 11th
Lowest minimum: -2.5C on the 16th
Mean maximum: 10.4C (+0.6)
Mean minimum: 3.6C (+0.2)
Overall mean: 7.0C (+0.4)
Grass temperatures
Lowest grass minimum: -6.7C on the 16th
Highest grass minimum: 7.2C on the 11th
Mean grass minimum: 0.6C
Total rainfall: 50.8mm (95.8%)
Highest fall 24 hour fall 0900z to 0900z: 16.1mm on the 18th
Rain days: 15 (/=0.2mm)
Wet days: 8 (/=1.0mm)
Air pressure (reduced to sea level)
Highest air pressure at 0900z: 1034.5mb on the 2nd
Lowest air pressure at 0900z: 998.3mb on the 21st
Mean air pressure at 0900z: 1019.7mb
Wind direction and frequency at 0900z
N:1, ESE:1, SE:1, SSE,1, SSW:3, SW:6, WSW:5, W:1, WNW:5, NW:3, NNW:1,
VAR:1, CALM:1.
Days with
Fog at 0900z: 1 on the 27th
Air frost: 5, on the 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 24th
Grass frost: 13
Snow, or snow & rain: 1, on the 18th
Autumn 2007 Sept-Nov.
Average max 14.5 (+0.1) Average min 7.0 (+0.5) Mean 14.5 (+0.2) Rain
151.2mm (95%) 28% of seasons rain fell on 16th October.
Ian, Raunds, East Northants. 63m amsl. NGR SP9972