Update on Web forecast output for Bracknell
"Martin Rowley" wrote in
message ...
Don't normally look at the various web-based forecasts, but noticed
today that the high for Bracknell (Met O and BBC ... same feed), was
just 20degC. This is therefore 3degrees below actual. We used to
(when we were hand-amending stuff for specific customers), that the
data were on the 'cold' side in these situations, so it may be that
bias is still there. The forecast maxima for the next 4 days a
20, 21, 19, 23 (Saturday to Tuesday), so it'll be interesting to see
these pan out.
Just to bring these up to date and tabulate:-
Forecast issued
Friday morning Actual maximum Error
Friday: 20 23 -3
Saturday: 20 25 -5
Sunday: 21 21 0
Monday: 19 23 -4
(Won't bother with Tuesday as at 5-days these things are more fairy-land
than otherwise).
Also note, the actual *weather* (as noted by the symbols on the various
days) WAS correct, so it's not a pure weather/temperature mis-match.
Neither is it an updating problem. The forecast on the Met Office web
site issued at 0607GMT this morning for *today* was for full sunshine
and a day max of 19degC. The actual today has been partial sunshine and
a day max of 23, an error of -4degC.
Which goes to prove what some of us have been banging on about these
output .... nice pictures, don't make too many plans based on the output
though. (No smiley required).