November 2007 in Lundie, Angus, in the Sidlaws, 10 miles NW of Dundee,
elev. 185 m
Slightly warmer and drier than average. Dry, quiet first half; warm
start; cooler, wetter, less settled second half. The maximum on the 2nd
was the equal highest for November.
Average maxima = 9.2 (+0.2)
Average minima = 3.8 (+0.3)
Mean = 6.5 (+0.2)
Highest maximum = 16.7 (2nd)
Lowest maximum = 5.3 (25th)
Lowest minimum = -2.0 (24th)
Total rainfall = 59.6 mm (88%)
Most in a day = 14.4 mm (21st)
Autumn overall was the driest in my records, with just 94.2 mm of rain
(46% of average).
All readings (except grass minimum) from a new shiny (except I've
already lost that little plastic grid inside the rain gauge) Davis
Vantage Pro 2.