WeatherAction forecast issued 16OCT2007: overall review [Long] -more comment
On Dec 2, 11:20 am, Malcolm wrote:
In article
Weatherlawyer writes
On Dec 2, 7:41 am, Malcolm wrote:
In article
Weatherlawyer writes
On Dec 1, 1:57 pm, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Will Hand
wrote in message
On 30 Nov, 19:36, Weatherlawyer wrote:
8. Please let me know what further assistance I might be to
you all. I
hope I have been able to help you to see a little bit better than you
could do on your own in your benighted troglodyte's eyries.
Who do you think you are? God? The Special One? LOL :-)
Whoever he thinks he is, that's a wonderfully mixed ornithological
Troglodytes are people who live in holes, hence the scientific name of
the wren, which makes a spherical nest often in a nook or cranny, is
Troglodytes troglodytes. An eyrie is the name given to a nest of, e.g.,
an eagle, placed high up, e.g., in a tree or on a cliff ledge.
You mean you really can't see it?
Well there's a surprise!
All I can see is someone rather muddled in their thinking - or at least
in their writing about their thinking. Care to have another go at
explaining what you were trying to say when you kept mentioning "lunar
Care to make with the shekels?
Care to make with an explanation of what you were trying to say when you
kept mentioning "lunar phases", or do we conclude that you can't, either
because you don't know or because you now realise you weren't expressing
yourself very well?
Out of the above plethora I seem to have mislaid your quote of my
saying anything of that sort. I might even waive my fee.