A GOES-12 North-South Station Keeping maneuver was performed on Tuesday, December 4, 2007
at 1756 UTC. An anomaly is currently ongoing. NOAA is not receiving GOES-12 (EAST) data
until further notice. FULL DISK images are being captured on GOES-11 (WEST) until the
problem is resolved. Data Affected by the Outage: GOES-12 (East) Imaging and Soundings
data Date and Time of the Outage:12/4/2007, 1715 UTC, 12:15 PM, EST.
Due to the GOES-12 outage, the NOAA LRIT Broadcast and the NOAA DCS have been transferred
to GOES-10 which is located at approximately 60 degrees west. This change will remain in
effect until further notice or until the GOES 12 outage is resolved.