Completely [OT]
Joe Egginton wrote:
David Buttery wrote:
Mike LONGWORTH wrote in
- Lancasha for Lancashire
(and similar for all other counties ending in -shire)
I've said "Woostuhshuh" all my life, and nobody's ever complained.
"Woostuhsheer" or "Woostuhshire" would sound affected in my accent.
I say "Birmingum" for Birmingham. To spake it properly sounds strange!
I say "Ruzhdun" for "Rushden". Before WWII, the pronunciation would have
been "Rizdin". Locals were mocked because of their odd pronunciation but
the original name of the town was Risdene, so their pronunciation was right
and it's the new spelling that's wrong. Other towns in East Northants are
similar in having the pronunciation reflecting original spellings. For
instance, Irthlingborough should be pronounced "Artleborough".
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
"What use is happiness? It can't buy you money." [Chic Murray, 1919-85]