I was near Redcar near sea level from about 10-12 this morning, nice
day at 10 - the car thermometer reading 6C and nearly clear sky.
When I left about 12 it was about 5C and raining, by the time I'd got
inland about a mile and up about 200 feet it was sleeting... by the
time I'd got near Stokesley it was 1C and snowing properly and some
cars were coming towards me with a reasonable covering of slushy snow
on them though there was non settling on the ground.
Got home to Northallerton about 13:00 and it's still 1C and there's a
dusting of snow on the lawn which I have photographed of course...
Now 14:00 and the snow's gone.
A friend up in Nidderdale tells me he's leading a Caving course and
they're having a snowball fight
Told you it's a non technical report...