{WR} Haytor 15/12/07 (5 degrees colder)
"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
Doesn't feel that cold, no frost.
Blimey Will!
It doesn't feel that cold?? I've just been outside at it is perishing, that
wind is of the type that cuts straight through you. Yuk!
Looks like the cloud is breaking up though, so maybe we'll see a bit of
sunshine as recompense for this continental cloudy crud.
Currently at 10:25, 2.2C, RH 79%, DP -1.1C, 1033.9 mb (S), Wind 8 mph E.
Wind NE F1-2
I really wouldn't describe it as perishing just a day when you need to wear a
decent coat, hey it is winter after all!
Two winters ago we were up at High Willhays (621m) in deep snow, temperatures -1
to -2C and a wind of at least force 4 occ 5 with lots of riming on the summit.
That was almost perishing :-)
Guess people are different!