"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
The "Bali roadmap" initiates a two-year process of negotiations designed
to agree a new set of emissions targets to replace those in the Kyoto
I realy don't see any serious progress here, all talk and no action. So in
two years time we'll have another go at setting emissions targets, what a
cop out! Lets face it the human race will not act on this one and I bet
all these deligates will get bonus's for their part in these negotiations.
"Reward for failure" ~ Mmm, sounds familiar.? Bali's a nice place for a
jolly all the same!
If my understandings correct, even the uk has failed in reaching it's own
targets over the past few years, and although reduced emissions on paper
as a Country we have increased them in 'real-terms', spin is the term I
think we use. You've oonly got to sit in those ever increasing traffic
jams in the SE everyday, to know it's getting worse by the day. Lets face
it, we just ain't taking this seriously, no one has any answers or the
'balls' to stand up and be counted. The speed of this change I fear is
unprecidented in the planets history and we are on the road to disaster,
so I guess there's no point worrying about and just carry on as though
nothing is changing, anyway, it's someone else's problem isn't it!
We owe the Americans a debt of gratitude for dragging their feet owe this
AGW story.
Climate is dynamic. Wherever it is going right now we have no control over
it. The observations are not in agreement with the rhetoric. Gore's fantasy
DVD should be placed on the "Fiction" shelf and we should start to worry
about the clear and present danger facing us because man can't keep his
collective todger in his pants.
All this bleeding hearts and self harming is no way to formulate social
policy and manage the world.
As for the snorters at the Bali trough, well, it's a shame they can't find
real jobs. How much Jet A1 did they burn so that they might quaff fine wines
at our expense at this vulgar jamboree?