On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 20:14:37 -0000, "David Mitchell"
When I was a kid walking home at night in the 50s, the only street lights
were gas and they didn't light much of the street let alone the sky. Any
clear night, I could see the Milky Way, which is something I haven't seen
for decades.
Drop in Graham, I can see it now. Though at -3.8 I won't be hanging around
too long.
I've seen it because when out of town on a dark clear night, I
sometimes stop the car (safely!) in the middle of nowhereand get out
just to have a look. It's awe inspiring. I once did that on a dark
section of the A34 just to show my (then) teenage daughter what the
milky way looked like - something she'd never seen before. She moaned
and groaned and really did not want to get out of the car into the
cold night air!
Well I talked her into it but she only grudgingy conceded that it was
an amazing sight. However, I am satisfied in the knowledge that at
least I gave her the opportunity to experience something awesome that
I don't believe 95% of people under the age of forty have ever seen.
But sadly, I suspect that most people, not even University Grads (as
she now is) don't really care.