Temperature dropping...???
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
. uk...
"Ken Cook" wrote in message
On 21 Dec, 12:27, RCO wrote:
Just had a look to check what I was suspecting, and
from Leconfield
0500 3.9 °C
0600 3.8 °C
0700 3.6 °C
0800 3.0 °C
0900 2.8 °C
1000 2.4 °C
1100 2.2 °C
Hmm, anyone care to give me an idea why? Jon? Will? Anyone?
Rob C. Overfield
Hi, Rob,
Similar here. High just -0.1C at 11Z now down to -1.6C at 14Z. I think
the flow is more off the land than recently and there is less North
sea warming. The cloud seems to be thinning also, or maybe it's just
one of those things.
It's certainly bitter with keen SSE'ly, mist and windchill -7C
211400Z 16007KT 2000 BR 8ST M02/M02 Q1024
Copley, Teesdale
.......... and here also. 2.9C at 12.50pm now falling slowly to 2.3C at
2.30pm. I agree with the reasoning and also blame Graham above who was
criticising the forecaster for saying it was bitter. That always happens
to me when I post something like that ;-)
Dave, S.Essex
............ Graham P Davis, that is. (See what I mean ;-)