Most people take the spring season as March, April and May, at least for
meteorological purposes.Your other seasons correspond to common practice.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Eric Belton" wrote in message
Nice to read other peoples views, but I have always believed the
Spring - April, May, June
Summer - June, July, August
Autumn - September, October, November
Winter - December, January, February
Nice day, here in Reading. After a cloudy night, sunny from late morning,
with small amounts of cloud.
Lucky for some! Last nights Min +1.0 and max today of +4.7. Currently +3.4
at 1500.
Frost tonight, unless the cloud rolls back in.
For this area, the forecast was not very accurate. Forecasters nightmare -
St/Sc cloud so unpredictable.
Eric Belton