Temperature dropping...???
"RCO" wrote in message
. ..
Just had a look to check what I was suspecting, and
from Leconfield
0500 3.9 °C
0600 3.8 °C
0700 3.6 °C
0800 3.0 °C
0900 2.8 °C
1000 2.4 °C
1100 2.2 °C
Hmm, anyone care to give me an idea why? Jon? Will? Anyone?
Rob C. Overfield
Other than advection of cold low level air at the bottom of the boundary
layer I'm not really sure, Rob. It was certainly was a cold day across
central and northern England with many places barely getting above freezing.
Notably Leeds and Gatwick remained sub-zero on the METARs all day.