0.0c does it count as an air frost
On 24 Dec, 14:02, Jonathan Stott wrote:
Dave Ludlow wrote:
Yes, calibrated instruments would be in trouble for accuracy so such
readings would be pretty meaningless. Not to mention microclimate, I
won't even go there. It's hard enough to get things right to the
nearest tenth, never mind hundredths and in some conditions, the
temperature inside official screens will be a degree or two different
from the true air temperature yet this is known about and is
Accuracy only really applies when comparing one instrument to another.
Resolution of the instrument is a different matter and is generally
finer than the accuracy (0.1degC vs. +/-0.5degC).
Oh no, you remind me of the first question that I was asked on an ASO/
SO promotion board :-
"What is the difference between accuracy and precision?"