Can kdthrge even do simple physics? Nope..
Kurt Lochner wrote:
'bitch' deleted and bleated at:
Kurt shows his credentials in identity politics. Nice job.
It's somewhat disturbing that Kurt's main reference
seems to be Wikipedia.
Aww, and here I was trying to be charitable about how your
intentional ignorance might be cured by easy to read quotes
from a fairly reliable source of physics definitions..
The reliability of wikipedia is pretty well established nowadays,
some colleges now refuse to accept it as source material.
There are better sources for this kind of stuff anyway,
wolfram is a good place to start.
It's not like you right-wingers can accurately quote
anything past your usual grade-school comprehensions..
I've not seen an AGW believer who can accurately quote.
What do you do when the truth won't serve? Making something
up seems to be the AGW policy.
Happy Holidaze,