absurd conversions again
JPG wrote:
On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 10:02:29 -0000, "Will Hand"
"John T" wrote in message
Surely these writers - or sub editors - had to pass GCSE maths?
No chance! Have you noticed how Jeremy Paxman ridicules students who
get some obscure degree level arts question wrong in University
Challenge but congratulates them enthusiastically if they know the
chemical symbol for lead!
Hear hear...agree, now I have my grumpy hat on.
Most people are extremely dumb when it comes to maths!
Will (Second class Honours graduate in mathematics)
I am extremely dumb when trying to subtract darts scores, and I am
hopeless at Sudoku.
Martin (2.1 honours graduate in mathematics)
I have the same trouble with darts scores and am also about the last to
notice when a snooker player has passed the point that leaves his opponent
needing snookers.
Sudoku is different as that doesn't need mental arithmetic but logic and I
have little trouble with it. However, I'm occasionally having problems with
the Independent who have been issuing the occasional insoluble puzzle -
except by using guesswork - over the past six months or so.
No degree for me - I realised I had to start work - so only got a couple of
maths A-levels followed many years later with an HNC.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
"What use is happiness? It can't buy you money." [Chic Murray, 1919-85]