Will Hand wrote:
Most people are extremely dumb when it comes to maths!
No, most people are extremely dumb. Many of the undergraduates that I
have taught over the last four years are testament to this. (For
example, having to explain to someone about 5 weeks into their Computer
Science degree what the "Start" button does...)
However, this is more an indictment on the system that propels young
people into universities. The school system breeds young adults that
can't read, can't write, can't add up, can't learn for themselves and
expect the answers to be given to them on a plate. Even when the answer
is given to them on a plate they have trouble comprehending this fact.
(For example, the increasing use of multiple-choice exams at university
level - and the increasing number of students who fail to read the
instructions for said exams.)
Of course there are many, many people who are more than adept but the
fact remains that a significant minority (approaching half in my
opinion) of undergraduates would be better off doing something else.
Jonathan Stott
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