On 27 Dec, 09:59, Ken Cook wrote:
Hi, All,
Gale-force NE Pennine report
09Z-09Z27th December 2007
Lead Mill 218m asl,
Max 10.0C min 4.0C
Met O site 253m asl,
Max 9.5C min 4.1C
Overnight gale, first since 04th December, highest 10min mean speed
ending 0510Z 23037G43KT
Max gust 47KT 0540Z
270950Z 23029KT 9999 -RA BKN ST 09/08 Q1013
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham
Whoops, rain 0.8mm sun 00Z-00Z 0.3hr (hardly worth the bother of re-
Coply, Teesdale