Very cold easterly in the New Year?
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:29:19 +0000, Denis Allen
In message , Dave Ludlow
In what way is an "obsession" with very cold winter weather different
from your "obsession" with heat waves in the Summer? Both are
uncomfortable if not dangerous for many people, especially the
elderly. But as we can't alter the weather, why not simply enjoy what
we like when it happens, whether it be hot or cold? Complaining about
people liking and wanting things over which they have no control seems
to be a bit pointless.
Agreed but the way the snowballers obsess about the hint of a cold snap
you wouldn't think it was pointless.
Don't tell me Dave you've got to be another cold weather fanatic.
Errr no because living on the South Coast, cold weather means cold
windy or cold rainy. But I don't like hot weather thats, for sure and
I haven't sun-bathed for many years, I can't think of anything more
boring or pointless
For those who do like snow (which i do) and have a chance of gettiing
some that sticks (which i don't) I say good luck. For those who like
sunbathing in hot weather I say good luck too, I wouldn't dream of
telling them (or you) what to do with their spare time, likes or