hindcast - why it was where it was?
I'm not convinced that it was well forecast on this occasion. All the
emphasis on the forecasts I saw during the morning was that it was the
SE of England that would catch the torrential downpours, explicitly
during the evening rush hour. That didn't happen. The relevant batch of
storms passed further to the east. The forecast weather did occur, but
it occurred in the wrong place!
Didn't follow things during the day,so I can't comment categorically.However,my post mortem of the
0Z GFS run,output from the Meteoswiss ,NMM and Estofex seem to have got it pretty much right.Was it
just the UKMO mesoscale that had a bad run?
I hope that the science of meteorology doesn't advance in my lifetime to
the point where the time and place of thunderstorms can be accurately
predicted. That capability would remove a great deal of the wonder from
the subject.
Well,let's hope it's a long time coming ;-).Big claims have been made,but despite the advances there
are still challenges,
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