Birmingham Winterbourne 2007
Birmingham Winterbourne 2007
Temperatu 10.16C (+0.78C) 12th Warmest
Coldest minimum -6.5C on 7th February
Warmest minimum 14.1C on 13th October
Coldest maximum 0.0C on 8th February
Warmest maximum 26.8C on 5th August
Temperature-wise the annual mean temperatures were heavily influenced by the
exceptional warmth at the start of 2007: the daily maximum temperatures
during the first four months of the year were regularly 3-4C above the
long-term average - although with a few colder interludes.
The summer was essentially normal - with respect to temperature. The highest
temperature during June and July was only 22.8C.
Relating the year to the longer-term Birmingham record, 2007 was the 12th
warmest since 1881 (7th warmest for maximum temperatures, and 45th warmest
for the minimum temperatures). Warmer years are 1921, 1945, 1949, 1989,
1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2004, & 2006 - so warmer years heavily skewed
towards the last 20 years.
Rainfall: annual total 978mm
4th Wettest on record, after 1960, 1999, 2000 (all exceeding 1000mm)
Wettest day: 98mm on 14th June
Also notable, 72.4mm on 20th July (99.8mm at Droitwich)
The main rain event for the year was during June, first to the SE of
Birmingham in Leamington Spa where radar-derived totals suggest totals in
excess of 130mm. Heavy rain on 14th June caused flooding in the northern
part of Birmingham: the total of 98mm at Winterbourne represents an all-time
maximum daily total.
The mid-July flooding event was mainly to the south of Birmingham -
Winterbourne picking up 72.4 mm of rain
The annual total rainfall was 978.0mm, which was 126% of normal: May, June
and July saw much-above rainfall (205%, 362% and 297% respectively), but
these excesses were moderated by January, which had only 19% of normal
rainfall, and April with 20% of normal.
A notable snow event occurred on 7th/8th February: the snow on the 7th was
well forecast with the onset of the snow being well predicted. In Droitwich
there was 125mm (5 inches) of lying snow. The snow on the 8th was not
forecast, with significant falls of snow over the higher ground to the south
and west of Worcester (up to a further 200mm or 8 inches).
At the other end of the year, snowfall on 17th November accumulated about
50mm (2 inches), although it did not last too long.
Monthly Summaries (T mean, T anomaly; Rain, rain anomaly):
January (6.57C, +2.87C; 13.6mm, 19%)
Four days broke all-time (1881-2006) highs: 8th January 13.1C (+1.2C); 11th
January 12.3C (+0.2C); 12th January 13.0C (+1.4C) and 18th January 12.8C
February (5.58C, +1.65C;100.0mm, 186%)
March (6.86C, 1.23C;62.2mm, 117%)
April (11.00C, 3.02C;11.4mm, 20%)
Two days broke all-time daily highs: 14th April 21.5C (+1.0C) and 15th April
23.2C (+1.0C)
May (11.51C, +0.27C;129.2, 205%)
The end of May saw some cold nights, with two nights, the 29th and 30th May
with temperatures of 1.9C and 0.1C making these the lowest on the 1881-2006
records (-0.9C and -2.1C respectively)
June (14.95C, +0.71C;203.6mm, 362%)
July (14.91C, -1.15C;193.0mm, 297%)
August (15.44C, -0.29C;37.8mm, 54%)
September (13.48C, +0.03C;40.0mm, 63%)
October (10.53C, 0.63C;40.8 mm, 57%)
November (6.62C, 0.25C;67.2mm, 88%)
December (4.53C, 0.15C; 79.2mm, 106%)
December 6th broke the all-time high for that day, 14.5C, exceeding the old
high by 0.6C.